Your customer service experience revolves around constant communication: weekly market updates, quarterly reviews, and consistent updates to your personalized financial plan.
Active Asset Management
We have an in-house Active Asset Management philosophy, which allows us to assist you through ever-changing market conditions every step of the way.
Financial Planning
Our 60+ years of combined financial planning expertise gives us the ability to deliver a customized plan for your future.
We do not believe in the standard “buy-and-hold” strategy, or any strategy that changes your investments because you had a birthday. These are both static approaches to asset allocation in our opinion.
We elect to be strategic and tactical, which allows us to make sure all of our clients are properly managing risk throughout the ever-changing volatile markets.
By utilizing our in-house Investment Committee, led by Michael Tedeschi, we continually monitor the markets attempting to capitalize on all market cycles.
How We Navigate Volatile Market Conditions
Proper Risk Management
Reallocation During Market Declines
Emotionless Decision Making
How Active Asset Management Could Help Increase Returns...
Could Lead to a Substantially Higher Return.
Weathering downturns in a portfolio could go a long way in defining an investor’s success and experience while investing. It’s extremely important to realize that at some point during your working life you will need to manage your retirement assets through a bear market. How you choose to do that could have a drastic impact on when and how you can retire in the future.
At Perspective Wealth Planning, we believe actively managing your assets through those volatile market times allows you to capitalize on bear markets. You have probably heard through various articles and financial blogs that passively investing through all markets will provide you with your best returns. We find it very interesting that nobody seems to share the other side of the story, so we will.
Did you ever wonder what type of returns you could have if you missed some of the WORST days in the market? Based on historical returns from Yahoo Finance, missing some of the worst days in the market could save you more than you would imagine! To the right is an illustration of the S&P 500 Index returns vs the S&P 500 Index excluding some of the worst days from 12/31/1979 to 03/24/2020. As you can see the difference in your account value is in the millions if you started with $10,000, by avoiding just the 30 worst days. This, along with various other reasons is why we specialize in Active Asset Management, assisting our clients navigate volatile market conditions!
Our Portfolios
Tactical Allocation
This portfolio seeks to perform In all market conditions. We use a core and explore strategy to try and achieve this. Our core holdings are comprised of companies that we feel are poised to be leaders in their given industry. We use the explore piece of our portfolio to find stocks that we feel have strong technical setups, along with positive cash flow that provide an opportunity for shorter term momentum swings.
Growth Portfolio
This portfolio is comprised of 2 different types of growth equities. What we call our “Industry Leaders” and “Industry Disruptors”. We use this combination to pursue capturing current market growth along with industries that have the opportunity to outpace the market due to their exponential growth projections. We feel that combining these two gives us the best ability to provide our clients with the opportunity for sustained long-term portfolio growth.
Dividend Income
With this strategy we have reimagined the traditional equity and income model. The core of this portfolio consists of the “Dividend Aristocrats” stocks. We seek to add value by utilizing both equities and fixed income investments that can increase the overall portfolio yield. Our fixed income positions are comprised of fixed income ETF’s. This allows us to control yields and average maturity duration depending upon both interest rate and market conditions.
Wealth Builder
We’ve reimagined a traditional balanced model by adding a layer of active risk management. Traditionally, a balanced strategy will hold the same percentage of equity regardless of market conditions. We feel this is a flawed strategy. What makes our strategy different is that we actively manage our equity exposure by trying to limit risk during times of market uncertainty. We leverage both fundamental and technical analysis, along with utilizing our in-house investment strategist, to help navigate through the everchanging markets.
Getting Ready to Retire?
Perspective Wealth Planning is committed to...
We’ve reimagined a traditional balanced model by adding a layer of active risk management. Traditionally, a balanced strategy will hold the same percentage of equity regardless of market conditions. We feel this is a flawed strategy. What makes our strategy different is that we actively manage our equity exposure by trying to limit risk during times of market uncertainty. We leverage both fundamental and technical analysis, along with utilizing our in-house investment strategist, to help navigate through the everchanging markets.
The Four Phases of Retirement Planning
Starting and Accumulating
Within 10 Years of Retirement
20+ to 60+
Enjoy Retirement
Life Insurance Solutions
For Families and Businesses
Here at Perspective Wealth Planning, we take the complex topic of life insurance and make it simple to understand. When most people hear the term “life insurance” they think of a policy that pays beneficiaries when they die.
When we look at life insurance, we see the only vehicle that you can contribute an almost unlimited amount of money into, that grows on a tax-deferred basis, and when you take money from the policy (through withdrawing what you have paid in premiums and then taking a loan against the policy), it comes out as tax-free income. Better yet, the money you receive from your policy comes out not only tax-free, it is non-reportable income as well.
It is important to note, the loan you take against the policy will reduce the death benefit paid to your heirs if the loan is not re-paid before your death. Click here to read more.
Long-Term Care Planning
Nursing and/or in-home care planning.
Business Solutions
Buy-Sell, Key Man, and other ways to protect your business.
Term Insurance
Insurance to cover debts, income, and other expenses.
Estate/Legacy Planning
Tax efficient ways to leave your legacy.
College Planning
Unique life insurance solutions to plan for college.
Income Supplement
Planning for tax free income.
Our Team
Click to see biography...
Matthew Fox CRC® AIF®
Owner / Financial Planner
I’ve always considered myself lucky because I knew what I wanted to be “when I grew up”. Working on Wall Street and being involved in the stock market was always my dream. After visiting New York City numerous times, those big-city dreams changed; and I realized my heart always belonged to Western Pennsylvania.
Spending the last 15 years developing long-lasting relationships with my clients and being able to help them pursue all of their financial goals is nothing short of my “dream come true”. As an Accredited Investment Fiduciary and Certified Retirement Counselor, I am held to the highest fiduciary standard. We pride ourselves on our ability to create customized financial planning and active asset management while delivering industry-leading customer service.
Jared Dykes CRC®
Owner / Financial Planner
Growing up, graduating college, and choosing to live in Pennsylvania has taught me the values of community. My clients come to me for guidance, not simply for planning and active asset management as a Certified Retirement Counselor, but a focus on superior customer service helps encourage them along the way.
Whether it’s planning for retirement, growing assets, or managing wealth, my clients know I listen to their needs before creating a customized plan. I put relationships before technical talk. Our company specializes in financial planning and active asset management, and as a principle of this company, I ensure our focus on customer service meets your financial needs.
Michael Tedeschi
Owner / Wealth Management Advisor
I’ve been passionate about the stock market for as long as I can remember! I got my economics degree at St. Mary’s Public Honors College of Maryland, where I honed my focus on effective strategies to properly manage risk and detect statistical edges. I wrote my college dissertation on behavioral game theory, where I concentrated on discovering optimal strategies to maximize profit potential.
With my passion for risk management, and for finding repeatable positive expected values, I created my own business focusing on stock market education and investing. After a decade, I joined Perspective Wealth Planning to lead their investment committee team. My role here is to design our in-house active management portfolios, as well as manage risk levels for our client’s investment accounts. I work with our clients to create an optimal blend of risk & upside potential, based on their financial needs.
Beau Soberdash
Office Manager
Graduating from the Harry F. Byrd Jr. School of Business at Shenandoah University taught me the importance of building life-long relationships. I acquired my bachelors degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Management & Marketing. Through these programs, and with years of experience in the financial industry, I’m able to use the skills that I’ve developed on a daily basis as the Office Manager here at Perspective Wealth Planning.
It is my responsibility to ensure that our firms operations are functioning at a high-level, and efficiently as possible. We demand excellent customer service, and we will do anything in our power to assist our clients’ needs.
Our 60+ years of combined financial planning expertise gives us the ability to deliver a customized plan for your future.
Active Asset Management
We have an in-house Active Asset Management philosophy, which allows us to assist you through ever-changing market conditions every step of the way.
Customer Service
Your customer service experience revolves around constant communication: weekly market updates, quarterly reviews, and consistent updates to your personalized financial plan.
Our Vision
We are striving to become the leading financial planning firm that provides comprehensive financial planning, active asset management, and outstanding customer service to individuals and families seeking to achieve financial security and peace of mind. We envision a future where our clients have access to a wide range of financial services and products, and are empowered to make informed financial decisions that align with their goals and values. Our team of experienced and dedicated professionals will work tirelessly to provide personalized financial planning solutions that are tailored to each client's unique circumstances and aspirations. We aspire to be recognized as the trusted advisors that our clients turn to for sound financial advice, exceptional service, and long-term financial success.
We do not believe in the standard “buy-and-hold” strategy, or any strategy that changes your investments because you had a birthday. These are both static approaches to asset allocation in our opinion.
We elect to be strategic and tactical, which allows us to make sure all of our clients are properly managing risk throughout the ever-changing volatile markets.
By utilizing our in-house Investment Committee, led by Michael Tedeschi, we continually monitor the markets attempting to capitalize on all market cycles.
How We Navigate Volatile Market Conditions
Click Each to Learn More...
Seek to Avoid Major Losses Through Proper Risk Management
Reallocate To Cash / Lower Volatility Investments During Market Declines
Take Emotions out of Decision Making
How Active Asset Management Could Help Increase Returns...
Avoiding the worst days in the Stock Market.
Weathering downturns in a portfolio could go a long way in defining an investor’s success and experience while investing. It’s extremely important to realize that at some point during your working life you will need to manage your retirement assets through a bear market. How you choose to do that could have a drastic impact on when and how you can retire in the future.
At Perspective Wealth Planning, we believe actively managing your assets through those volatile market times allows you to capitalize on bear markets. You have probably heard through various articles and financial blogs that passively investing through all markets will provide you with your best returns. We find it very interesting that nobody seems to share the other side of the story, so we will.
Did you ever wonder what type of returns you could have if you missed some of the WORST days in the market? Based on historical returns from Yahoo Finance, missing some of the worst days in the market could save you more than you would imagine! To the right is an illustration of the S&P 500 Index returns vs the S&P 500 Index excluding some of the worst days from 12/31/1979 to 03/24/2020. As you can see the difference in your account value is in the millions if you started with $10,000, by avoiding just the 30 worst days. This, along with various other reasons is why we specialize in Active Asset Management, assisting our clients navigate volatile market conditions!
Getting Ready to Retire?
Perspective Wealth Planning is committed to...
Our Perspective Wealth Planning philosophy is that the recent focus on “finding your number” has done more harm than good. Retirement should be considered a lifelong journey, balancing current needs with long term happiness… not just a number. Regardless of your current stage in life, Perspective Wealth Planning is ready to help you. The process of planning for retirement should be focused on coaching clients through not only saving and investing, but also include career advice, ways of reducing stress, and strategies to transition out of full-time work as early as possible. Peace of mind is rarely overvalued.
The Four Phases of Retirement Planning
Click Each to Learn More...
Starting and Accumulating
Approaching Retirement
Withdrawals and Income
Taxes and Estate Planning
Insurance Solutions
For Families and Businesses...
Here at Perspective Wealth Planning, we take the complex topic of life insurance and make it simple to understand. When most people hear the term “life insurance” they think of a policy that pays beneficiaries when they die.
When we look at life insurance, we see the only vehicle that you can contribute an almost unlimited amount of money into, that grows on a tax-deferred basis, and when you take money from the policy (through withdrawing what you have paid in premiums and then taking a loan against the policy), it comes out as tax-free income. Better yet, the money you receive from your policy comes out not only tax-free, it is non-reportable income as well.
It is important to note, the loan you take against the policy will reduce the death benefit paid to your heirs if the loan is not re-paid before your death.
Long-Term Care Planning
Nursing and/or in-home care planning
Business Solutions
Buy-Sell, Key Man, and other ways to protect your business
Term Insurance
Insurance to cover debts, income, and other expenses
Disability Insurance
Protect your income
College Planning
Unique life insurance solutions to plan for college
Income Supplement
Planning for tax free income
Getting Ready to Retire?
Perspective Wealth Planning is committed to...
Our Perspective Wealth Planning philosophy is that the recent focus on “finding your number” has done more harm than good. Retirement should be considered a lifelong journey, balancing current needs with long term happiness… not just a number. Regardless of your current stage in life, Perspective Wealth Planning is ready to help you. The process of planning for retirement should be focused on coaching clients through not only saving and investing, but also include career advice, ways of reducing stress, and strategies to transition out of full-time work as early as possible. Peace of mind is rarely overvalued.
Our Investment Philosophy
We Specialize in Active Asset Management...
We do not believe in the standard “buy-and-hold” strategy, or any strategy that changes your investments because you had a birthday. These are both static approaches to asset allocation in our opinion.
We elect to be strategic and tactical, which allows us to make sure all of our clients are properly managing risk throughout the ever-changing volatile markets.
By utilizing our in-house Investment Committee, led by Michael Tedeschi, we continually monitor the markets attempting to capitalize on all market cycles.
How We Navigate Volatile Market Conditions
Click Each to Learn More...
Seek to Avoid Major Losses Through Proper Risk Management
Reallocate To Cash / Lower Volatility Investments During Market Declines
Take Emotions out of Decision Making
What is Estate Planning?
We Specialize in Coordinating Comprehensive Estate Plans...
At our firm, we understand the importance of estate planning and the peace of mind it can provide for you and your loved ones. That's why we offer comprehensive estate planning services, including legacy planning, to help you protect your assets and ensure your wishes are met should the unexpected occur. We work closely with a prominent attorney who specializes in estate planning to create essential documents such as power of wills, power of attorneys, personal letter of intents, and guardian designations. Our team will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that your estate plan is tailored to your unique needs and objectives. With our help, you can rest assured that your legacy will be protected and your wishes will be carried out according to your exact specifications.
3 Ways To Build Your Financial Legacy
Click Each to Learn More...
Charitable Giving
Family Trusts
Business Succession
Service Commitment
One of the most important aspects of providing superior customer service is constant client communication. Our clients stay current on everchanging financial conditions by utilizing our weekly industry news and investment videos. Our customers maintain peace of mind and clearly understand how we are evaluating the market through our quarterly market recaps and future outlook reports. Throughout each year, we maintain contact with our clients to continuously update your plan and accounts to navigate any life changes.
Perspective Wealth Planning was founded upon a commitment to prioritize customer needs to create successful financial futures. Our commitment to superior customer service is a promise to listen to and address client needs. Beau Soberdash, our Office Manager, has a main directive to satisfy each customer in every communication. Our team actively seeks feedback to continually meet customer expectations. Our reward continues to be increasing customer referrals from satisfied, current clients.
Our Perspective Wealth Planning Mission Statement emphasizes our desire for creating lifelong client relationships. Our team utilizes decades of business success, honed organizational skills, high levels of integrity & accountability, and personal commitment to care for each client. A lifelong relationship is not possible without caring. We are consistently committed to help and ensure that we give you our very best, unbiased advice.
Our Team
Mouseover to See Biography...
Matthew Fox CRC® AIF®
Owner / Financial Planner
I’ve always considered myself lucky because I knew what I wanted to be “when I grew up”. Working on Wall Street and being involved in the stock market was always my dream. After visiting New York City numerous times, those big-city dreams changed; and I realized my heart always belonged to Western Pennsylvania.
Spending the last 15 years developing long-lasting relationships with my clients and being able to help them pursue all of their financial goals is nothing short of my “dream come true”. As an Accredited Investment Fiduciary and Certified Retirement Counselor, I am held to the highest fiduciary standard. We pride ourselves on our ability to create customized financial planning and active asset management while delivering industry-leading customer service.
Jared Dykes CRC®
Financial Planner
Growing up, graduating college, and choosing to live in Pennsylvania has taught me the values of community. My clients come to me for guidance, not simply for planning and active asset management as a Certified Retirement Counselor, but a focus on superior customer service helps encourage them along the way.
Whether it’s planning for retirement, growing assets, or managing wealth, my clients know I listen to their needs before creating a customized plan. I put relationships before technical talk. Our company specializes in financial planning and active asset management, and as a principle of this company, I ensure our focus on customer service meets your financial needs.
Michael Tedeschi
Owner / Wealth Management Advisor
I’ve been passionate about the stock market for as long as I can remember! I got my economics degree at St. Mary’s Public Honors College of Maryland, where I honed my focus on effective strategies to properly manage risk and detect statistical edges. I wrote my college dissertation on behavioral game theory, where I concentrated on discovering optimal strategies to maximize profit potential.
With my passion for risk management, and for finding repeatable positive expected values, I created my own business focusing on stock market education and investing. After a decade, I joined Perspective Wealth Planning to lead their investment committee team. My role here is to design our in-house active management portfolios, as well as manage risk levels for our client’s investment accounts. I work with our clients to create an optimal blend of risk & upside potential, based on their financial needs.
Beau Soberdash
Office Manager
Graduating from the Harry F. Byrd Jr. School of Business at Shenandoah University taught me the importance of building life-long relationships. I acquired my bachelors degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Management & Marketing. Through these programs, and with years of experience in the financial industry, I’m able to use the skills that I’ve developed on a daily basis as the Office Manager here at Perspective Wealth Planning.
It is my responsibility to ensure that our firms operations are functioning at a high-level, and efficiently as possible. We demand excellent customer service, and we will do anything in our power to assist our clients’ needs.
Matthew Fox CRC® AIF®
Owner / Financial Planner
I’ve always considered myself lucky because I knew what I wanted to be “when I grew up”. Working on Wall Street and being involved in the stock market was always my dream. After visiting New York City numerous times, those big-city dreams changed; and I realized my heart always belonged to Western Pennsylvania.
Spending the last 15 years developing long-lasting relationships with my clients and being able to help them pursue all of their financial goals is nothing short of my “dream come true”. As an Accredited Investment Fiduciary and Certified Retirement Counselor, I am held to the highest fiduciary standard. We pride ourselves on our ability to create customized financial planning and active asset management while delivering industry-leading customer service.
Jared Dykes CRC®
Owner / Financial Planner
Growing up, graduating college, and choosing to live in Pennsylvania has taught me the values of community. My clients come to me for guidance, not simply for planning and active asset management as a Certified Retirement Counselor and Smartvestor Pro, but a focus on superior customer service helps encourage them along the way.
Whether it’s planning for retirement, growing assets, or managing wealth, my clients know I listen to their needs before creating a customized plan. I put relationships before technical talk. Our company specializes in financial planning and active asset management, and as a principle of this company, I ensure our focus on customer service meets your financial needs.
Michael Tedeschi
Owner / Wealth Management Advisor
I’ve been passionate about the stock market for as long as I can remember! I got my economics degree at St. Mary’s Public Honors College of Maryland, where I honed my focus on effective strategies to properly manage risk and detect statistical edges. I wrote my college dissertation on behavioral game theory, where I concentrated on discovering optimal strategies to maximize profit potential.
With my passion for risk management, and for finding repeatable positive expected values, I created my own business focusing on stock market education and investing. After a decade, I joined Perspective Wealth Planning to lead their investment committee team. My role here is to design our in-house active management portfolios, as well as manage risk levels for our client’s investment accounts. I work with our clients to create an optimal blend of risk & upside potential, based on their financial needs.
Beau Soberdash
Office Manager
Graduating from the Harry F. Byrd Jr. School of Business at Shenandoah University taught me the importance of building life-long relationships. I acquired my bachelors degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Management & Marketing. Through these programs, and with years of experience in the financial industry, I’m able to use the skills that I’ve developed on a daily basis as the Office Manager here at Perspective Wealth Planning.
It is my responsibility to ensure that our firms operations are functioning at a high-level, and efficiently as possible. We demand excellent customer service, and we will do anything in our power to assist our clients’ needs.
Anthony Szurlej
Graduating from the Harry F. Byrd Jr. School of Business at Shenandoah University taught me the importance of building life-long relationships. I acquired my bachelors degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Management & Marketing. Through these programs, and with years of experience in the financial industry, I’m able to use the skills that I’ve developed on a daily basis as the Office Manager here at Perspective Wealth Planning.
It is my responsibility to ensure that our firms operations are functioning at a high-level, and efficiently as possible. We demand excellent customer service, and we will do anything in our power to assist our clients’ needs.